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- <?php
- // $Id: testMath_Fibonacci.php,v 1.1 2003/01/02 01:57:00 jmcastagnetto Exp $
- include_once 'Math/Fibonacci.php';
- $idx = 20;
- echo "Calculate F($idx), fast equation = ";
- $fib =& Math_Fibonacci::term($idx);
- echo $fib->toString()."\n";
- $idx = 55;
- echo "Calculate F($idx), lookup table = ";
- $fib =& Math_Fibonacci::term($idx);
- echo $fib->toString()."\n";
- $idx = 502;
- echo "Calculate F($idx), addition loop = ";
- $fib = Math_Fibonacci::term($idx);
- echo $fib->toString()."\n";
- echo "\nSeries from F(0) to F(10):\n";
- $series = Math_Fibonacci::series(10);
- foreach ($series as $n=>$fib) {
- echo "n = $n, F(n) = ".$fib->toString()."\n";
- }
- echo "\nand now from F(11) to F(19):\n";
- $series = Math_Fibonacci::series(11, 19);
- foreach ($series as $n=>$fib) {
- echo "n = $n, F(n) = ".$fib->toString()."\n";
- }
- echo "\nChecking if 26 and 4181 are Fibonacci numbers\n";
- $verb = Math_Fibonacci::isFibonacci(new Math_Integer(26)) ? 'is' : 'is not';
- echo "26 $verb a Fibonacci number\n";
- $verb = Math_Fibonacci::isFibonacci(new Math_Integer(4181)) ? 'is' : 'is not';
- echo "4181 $verb a Fibonacci number\n";
- echo "\nDecompose 34512\n";
- $decarr = Math_Fibonacci::decompose(new Math_Integer(34512));
- foreach ($decarr as $fib) {
- $index = Math_Fibonacci::getIndexOf($fib);
- echo "F(".$index->toString().") = ".$fib->toString()."\n";
- }
- echo "\nF(n) closest to 314156 is: ";
- $fib = Math_Fibonacci::closestTo(new Math_Integer(314156));
- echo $fib->toString()."\n\n";
- echo 'The index for 1597 is : ';
- $idx = Math_Fibonacci::getIndexOf(new Math_Integer(1597));
- echo $idx->toString()."\n\n";
- $bigint = '3141579834521345220291';
- echo "Finding the Fibonacci numbers that add up to $bigint\n";
- $series = Math_Fibonacci::decompose(new Math_Integer($bigint));
- foreach ($series as $fib) {
- $index = Math_Fibonacci::getIndexOf($fib);
- echo "F(".$index->toString().") = ".$fib->toString()."\n";
- }
- // Benchmark below requires PEAR::Benchmark, PEAR::Math_Stats
- // and PEAR::Math_Histogram
- $benchmark = false;
- if ($benchmark) {
- require_once 'Benchmark/Iterate.php';
- require_once 'Math/Histogram.php';
- // benchmark the fast algorithm
- $index = 45;
- // benchmark the lookup table
- //$index = 100;
- // benchmark the addition loop
- //$index = 1000;
- $runs = 2000;
- $bench =& new Benchmark_Iterate();
- echo "\n\nBenchmarking:\n";
- echo "Calculating F($index) $runs times = ".$index."\n";
- $bench->run($runs, 'Math_Fibonacci::term', $index);
- $res1 = $bench->get();
- // get some basic stats and clean up arrays for Math_Histogram
- echo "term($index) : avg time = {$res1['mean']} ({$res1['iterations']})\n";
- unset($res1['mean']);
- unset($res1['iterations']);
- echo '----> max: '.max($res1).', min: '.min($res1).', count: '.count($res1)."\n";
- echo "\nFull Stats\n";
- echo "term($index)\n";
- $h = new Math_Histogram();
- $h->setData($res1);
- $h->calculate();
- echo $h->printHistogram();
- print_r($h->getDataStats());
- echo $h->toSeparated();
- }
- // vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
- // vim6: fdl=0:
- ?>